Transfer FAQs

Transfer FAQs

1. If I start at one driver education school, am I allowed to transfer to a different school? Yes, you may transfer to another driver education school. For more information about transfers, please contact driver education and safety program staff. 2. I was enrolled in...
Adult Driver Education FAQs

Adult Driver Education FAQs

1. Who can take the driver education course exclusively for adults? Any person who is 18 or older. 2. How long is the course? This is a 6-hour course offered by a licensed driver education school. It may be completed online or in-person 3. I’m 19 years old and want to...
Minor Driver Education FAQs

Minor Driver Education FAQs

1. Who is required to take a driver education course? Any person between 14 and 25 years old. 2. I want to take a driver education course, what are my options? Enrolling in a driver education school Enrolling in an approved parent taught course Completing a driver...